Written by Robert Kuykendall

Automate your comic reading list with python

16 April 2016

This is marvelous, a library for Python 3 to work with the Marvel API! The project is young, but I use it every week to see what new Marvel comics are being released.

Install marvelous with pip

pip install marvelous

Using marvelous to get this week’s comics

First you will need to register an account on developer.marvel.com to get your personal public and private keys. Then just import marvelous and authenticate yourself:

import marvelous

m = marvelous.api(public_key, private_key)

You can then get every comic published this week like this:

    'format': "comic",
    'formatType': "comic",
    'noVariants': True,
    'dateDescriptor': "thisWeek",
    'limit': 100}),

You can then access the title, series.id, and dates.on_sale of each comic, which you can use to build a pull list script like mine:

import marvelous

# Your own config file to keep your private key local and secret
from config import public_key, private_key

# Authenticate with Marvel, with keys I got from http://developer.marvel.com/
m = marvelous.api(public_key, private_key)

# Get all comics from this week, sorted alphabetically by title
pulls = sorted(m.comics({
    'format': "comic",
    'formatType': "comic",
    'noVariants': True,
    'dateDescriptor': "thisWeek",
    'limit': 100}),
    key=lambda comic: comic.title)

for comic in pulls:
    # Write a line to the file with the name of the issue, and the
    # id of the series
    print('{} (series #{})'.format(comic.title, comic.series.id))

Help build marvelous!

I’m currently working on adding new features, tests, and documentation at rkuykendall/marvelous on github. However, one of the biggest problems I have is that I need more goals! Marvelous already works well enough for me to run my own scripts, but I’m sure you have ideas for what you would want to do.

Leave any requests or ideas in the comments!

Robert Kuykendall — Say hi or in the comments below.